by Catie | Apr 5, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
My friend came over last night to make a cake for her mum’s 60th. She’s moving house and has packed up the entire kitchen already so borrowed mine. She iced it and decorated it all herself. So great!I went to the Food Truck Rumble on Sunday, and then also...
by Catie | Mar 29, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
This guy just loves the snow!!! So adorable.Did you all have a lovely Easter? I loved having four days off to relax, visit family and catch up with friends.Look at these cute peeking rabbit cookies I made.We went out for a friend’s birthday on Saturday night and...
by Catie | Mar 22, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
It’s my wonderful friend Veronica’s birthday today! Happy Birthday Vee. Thank you for all of your sweet support, help at markets and events, being my chief flavour creator taster and an all round amazing friend.I made a 50th wedding anniversary cake over...
by Catie | Mar 15, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
I made a delicious looking snickers cake last Wednesday for a 21st birthday. It was a surprise from his family in England. So cute.We went to an engagement party over the weekend for a couple that Michael and I both used to work with. I made the cupcakes!When you...
by Catie | Mar 8, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
Happy Birthday to my little brother. He’s 25 today. I know people say this all the time, but I seriously can’t believe how fast time goes!! I swear it was only yesterday I was making him dress up in mum’s old dresses and play dolls with me. Thanks...