by Catie | May 3, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
It was my birthday on Friday! I was so very very spoilt and showered with presents and lovely wishes and had a great day.It’s my other best friend’s birthday today! Happy Birthday Som-Som. Even though I don’t remember how we met, I’m so glad...
by Catie | Apr 26, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
I spent the weekend baking 3000 heart cookies for an upcoming order. At least this time I’m not trying to get them all done in one night, the day after my friend’s wedding and night before heading to Bali for a holiday! (Lesson definitely learnt last...
by Catie | Apr 19, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
It’s my best friend’s birthday today! Happy Birthday CMK! I couldn’t imagine a life where I didn’t get to meet you on that first week of high school 15 years ago.I sneakily delivered some cupcakes to her work last night so she would get them...
by Catie | Apr 12, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
I can’t stop watching all the videos on the Pilbara Working Dogs Facebook page. Particularly this one! So many dogs!I made some cookies during the week to help promote the Ginger Pride Rally in Melbourne on the 16 April. While I don’t have red...
by Catie | Apr 5, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
My friend came over last night to make a cake for her mum’s 60th. She’s moving house and has packed up the entire kitchen already so borrowed mine. She iced it and decorated it all herself. So great!I went to the Food Truck Rumble on Sunday, and then also...
by Catie | Mar 29, 2016 | bits and sprinkles
This guy just loves the snow!!! So adorable.Did you all have a lovely Easter? I loved having four days off to relax, visit family and catch up with friends.Look at these cute peeking rabbit cookies I made.We went out for a friend’s birthday on Saturday night and...