- I can’t stop watching all the videos on the Pilbara Working Dogs Facebook page. Particularly this one! So many dogs!
- I made some cookies during the week to help promote the Ginger Pride Rally in Melbourne on the 16 April. While I don’t have red hair, my mum has red hair and I’m convinced all of my future children will be gingers. So if you’re in Melbourne and you’re a ginger, go to the pride rally!
- Part of that order was an incredibly early morning delivery and drive to Jarrahdale! For those of you who don’t know Perth, it’s a good 2 hours drive from me. I did see a very beautiful sunrise though.
- I did a lot of not much over the weekend, which was lovely. Went out for breakfast, potted around the house and watched too much TV. Sometimes it’s good to have some days of no responsibilities and no commitments.
- I went back to the night noodle markets over the weekend. What I really wanted was the BlackStar Pastry Strawberry Watermelon Cake, but the line was ridiculously long, so I didn’t get to have any. I’ll just have to plan a trip to Sydney to get some!
- I made these super adorable baby shower cupcakes over the weekend.
- And these cute little heart cookies for a wedding.
- And this delicious chocolate cake for someone who was finishing up at my work.
- Apparently turning 28 is the new mid-life crisis. I’ve got 2 more weeks to live it up before I fall into a downward spiral once I realise that I’m reaching the end of my 20’s..
- Today is free cone day at Ben & Jerrys! I’m going to go get some free icecream!!!!