October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Monday, 26 October is Pink Ribbon Day.

Chances are someone you know has been diagnosed with breast cancer or affected by breast cancer. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, which when you really sit down to think about it, is quite a scary statistic. 

Breast Cancer is in my family. My Nanna had it and one of my Aunties sadly passed away a few years ago. Recently a close friend of mine was diagnosed.

My mum has asked me a number of times if I’d consider having the genetic testing done to see if I inherited the gene, but I’m not sure I would want to know..

Breast Cancer Awareness Month provides us the opportunity to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease. Take the time this month to educate yourself on the facts and be breast aware. 

There are many opportunities to help contribute to the fight against breast cancer. Host a pink ribbon event, and you can help towards supporting those who are affected by breast cancer, and eventually helping to eradicate this disease altogether.

If you’re planning a pink ribbon event, or a girls night in we’ve found some delicious treats and ideas to help you fundraise!

  1. Make these easy Pink Ribbon Cupcakes that we made a few years ago.
  2. Cute Pink Ribbon Funfetti Cupcake Jars from Love From The Oven.
  3. Raspberry Cheesecake Brownies from Culinary Couture
  4. Pink Ribbon Sugar Cookies from My Baking Addiction
  5. Raspberry Vanilla Pink Ombre Bundt Cake from Cookie Douch and Oven Mitt

These cute boob cupcakes by Jenny Cookies!

Find more inspiration on the Sweetly Baked Perth Pinterest Page!

If you’re looking for some merchandise visit the Cancer Council online shop and purchase your pink ribbon merchandise today and register your event here to make your donation count!